Saturday, September 20, 2008

TV: A Conditioning Tool? - Part 2

Idea #2: Super Abs (without the fancy machinery)!!

Another very easy game to play is to do abdominal (ab) work during commercials, or even during shows themselves. Your child can watch their favorite show or game while doing some very simple ab work. Let me give you some options:
  • Regular situps. This is one that's probably easiest done during commercials. For these, your child can either place their feet under the couch, or even have a parent sit on their feet while they do their traditional situps. However, I'm not really a big fan of traditional situps. I find them very hard on their backs and not really as effective as some of these other approaches.
  • Ab Crunches. I like ad crunches over regular sit ups because you can more easily watch TV while you use the medicine balls. Watch the vide below.
  • Ab Crunches with Medicine balls. I really like the use of medicine balls because you can easily increase or decrease the weights and the resulting level of effort. See the video below for one of the different ab drills you can do with medicine balls.

Best of luck as parents coaching youth!!

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